Greetings everyone, In this blog-post, you will learn how to override create method in Odoo v8.
The create method for a particular model can be called by clicking the ‘Create’ button in the view of that model.
Here I have overridden the create method of res.users model. You can override the create method of any model in similar way in Odoo 8.
You can override the create method for a particular model by,
class res_users(models.Model): _inherit ='res.users' @api.model def create(self, vals): #Write your logic here print 'Fields and their values to be created in a dictionary',vals res = super(res_users, self).create(vals) #Write your logic here return res
You need to give the class name in the super method. For eg here:- res_users
Use of Create Method in Odoo:
- Create method executes an SQL INSERT query on the table / model.
- ” self ” states the model in which the record will be created.
- The values of the field  that are going to be written can be found in the vals dictionary, which is the parameter to the method.
- The values can be extracted form the dictionary and can be checked against a criteria and a Warning can be raised if its fails to do so.
- The vals dictionary can be modified as per the requirement before calling the super method.
Here is a snapshot form eclipse IDE:-
Hope you got an insight and understanding of the ORM create method in Odoo 8 and the way of overriding it.
Please Comment below if you have any doubts,
Thank you.